Assigned Donations
FOster FUnd
Fostering saves lives! It keeps our local animals out of over-crowded shelters down the hill and keeps them in a home environment where they can thrive. It is often the only chance of survival for our most vulnerable kittens and puppies.
But, it comes with expenses for food, formula for bottle-babies, and medical care.
State law requires that all dogs and cats be spayed or neutered before they can be adopted.
Medical Fund
There are many needs in this community such as spay and neuter, emergency medical care and non-emergent life-saving medical care.
Your contributions save lives!
Ray Watkins
Vaccination Fund
Set up in memory of Ray Watkins, a true animal lover. WMAW would like to honor his memory by helping the community in times of need.
As long as there are funds we will continue to provide a directed dedication in his memory.
Spay & Neuter
Spay and Neuter is a big undertaking for a rural community. It's a very big part of helping feral animals. Many people in our community need assistance with the high cost of spaying and neutering their family pet. MORE INFO HERE
Building Fund
We are trying to build a shelter in Silver Cliff Colorado that will service Custer County. Right now we have to use Fremont County for all shelter needs. That's an hour away on a good day! Keeping lost animals here on the mountain, where they were found means their families are more likely to find them and quickly!
We hand out dog and cat food twice a month to animals in need. If you have extra dog food or cat food to donate that would be great. If you prefer to donate money and have us buy some we can do that, just use this donate link so we allocate the funds to buy feed.
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We are listed as
Wet Mountain Animal Welfare